Le Panoramax OpenStreetMap Wiki n’est actuellement disponible qu’en anglais. Y a-t-il des personnes ici qui seraient intéressées par une version française ? De plus, quand j’aurai le temps, j’envisage de mettre à jour la version anglaise pour la rendre plus complète.
Toutes les traductions sont les bienvenues et il ne faut pas hésiter à compléter !
@cquest Could you provide me list of instancies that are setting up panoramax instanance? Would like to add them to the OSM wiki, thanks
I found this one Panoramax OSMBE but the rest I couldn’t find…
Is there an API or something else to get the data off Panoramax statistics?
Would like to use this data on an other webpage…
An image of the sponsors are on Gitlab. I would like to add this image to Wiki Commons and then use it on OSM’s Wiki. Only I need written permission to use these images if I look at the Wiki Commons terms of use. Who should I contact for this?
And this one
@cquest Would you know the answer to the above question?
Does anyone know an answer to the post 2 places above?